MINDVOICE® is an extensively studied and tested questionnaire completed annually by 4000 Japanese individuals since 2008. It tracks key psychographic attributes - such as beliefs, values, and attitudes - that drive consumer behavior.

Our consultants use these data to study motivations behind purchasing decisions and their evolution long-term. If your interest is in identifying or understanding your audience, tracking brand perception or finding new insight for product development, we can help.


The state of remote work in Japan - a study on the impact of COVID-19

Riskybrand Inc. (Headquartered in Shibuya, Tokyo, CEO: Kazuteru Tasaki) presents a report about businesspeople’ s
attitudes and adoption of remote work, using open data and based on MINDVOICE®, its proprietary research method.

Social media usage in Japan - A MINDVOICE® study

Line owns everyday contact. Twitter gets it right in a social climate of cynicism. Instagram is in. For the younger users, Facebook is out. A dive into the causes.

The rise of "Cynicism" (Evidence from a 10-year study, 2008-2018)

Consumer trend report | A 10-year analysis of changing consumer values in Japan

生活者分析| 日本人の仕事意識







Psychographic research aims to understand who are your customers not only as consumers, but also as individuals, with their unique opinions, interests, and motives. To acquire a fuller picture, we gathered data across 3 categories:

MIND             ( Opinions and attitudes )
LIFESTYLE  ( Interests and habits )
BEHAVIOR  ( Buying trends )


We refer to MINDs as the mental attitudes shaped by people’s values and beliefs.
Measuring more than 300 of these MINDs we concluded 44 attitudinal archetypes.

Our 44 MINDs
Risk taking | Selfness | Sociability | Wittiness | Sentimentalism | Optimism | Simplicity | Design consciousness | Affluence | Creativity | Preference for planning | Logical thinking | Love for mechanics | Digital savviness | Pursuit of meaning | Intellectuality | Living for today | Taste for thrills | Prestige-seeking | Novelty-seeking | Style confidence | Appearance-focused | Global perspective | Social responsibility | Touch And Feel | In tune with nature | Humility | Enjoyment of difference | Anti status symbol | Self-effacing | Treat-seeking | Entrusting | Emotional-thinking | Victim mentality | Go-with-the-flow | Conventionality | Traditional gender ideology | Individualism | Reclusiveness | Self-confidence | Acceptance of life paradox | Avoidance of similarity | Recycling | Rooted


Insights into habits, interests and preferences of Japanese consumers.

Self-perception |Desired perception|Most attractive qualities for a romantic partner
Information prioritization |Expense items |Interests per industry |Events and activities
Purchase Drivers
Functional characteristics| Emotional characteristics |Preferred visual universe
Personal Taste
Most important criteria| Favorite fashion brands | Favorite music style | Favorite color (general / cars / fashion)
Preferred Media
Sources of information| Primary influences
Attitude towards diversity| Eating habits |Childhood experiences


Study of Japanese consumer buying trends and how they relate to MINDs and LIFESTYLE factors.

Owned brands, favorite brands and average screen time for : general | PC| Tablet| Smartphone
Owned brands| Preferred shapes| Preferred engine type| New vs second-hand |Driving frequency
Active user| purpose-of-use
Owned brands | Distribution Channel | Yearly expenditure
Workplace trends
Motivational factors |Engagement level | Job hoping trend| Workplace expectations


Meet advanced segmentation

In modern economies, demographic segmentation – classification of people according to criteria such as age, gender and income – do not provide sufficient information to fully understand consumers. Brands require deeper understanding of their audience segmentation. RISKYBRAND makes it possible with MINDSET® psychographic segmentation framework.

Based on MINDVOICE®’ s data, MINDSET® models the Japanese population (aged 15-64 yr.) into 6 unique psychographic profiles. This model serves as a roadmap to uncover subgroups, forming brand audiences that our clients frequently use for :
Targeting strategy / Audience profiling and persona / New product idea generation


Early adaptors that value prestige, self-improvement, and conservative morals.


Socially aware and conscious early adaptors that value diversity. They are highly likely to change workplace several times in their career.


Followers that tend to rely on SNS to cement their social life. Common traits are low self-confidence and the desire to spare unnecessary efforts.


Down-to-earth followers that enjoy intellectual challenges. Career is a priority and they want to keep working after getting married.


These showa-minded followers’ life is anchored in a traditional vision where men are the mainstay of families.


Whatevers’ seem indifferent to trends and tend to be the last ones to adopt new products. They dislike expressing their opinion and not making waves is a priority for them.




Case 1 : Repositioning a PC brand’s
We customized MINDVOICE® questionnaire to segment the brand’s audience and identify the profiles most likely to become loyal customers. Individuals matching the profile were recruited for a series of focus groups testing the new brand concept.

Case 2 : Sharpening a cosmetics brand’s targeting
The project aimed to understand consumer motivations and opinions to drive messaging tactics. We used a customized version of MINDVOICE® questionnaire to paint a holistic picture of users and understand how the brand meshed with their lifestyles.

Case 3 : Product pain points study for a home appliances brand
We conducted a qualitative study to understand how the product was fitting into customers’ lives and the pain points they faced throughout usage. Participants of the study were selected based on MINDVOICE® profiling system.

Case 4 : Assessing overseas needs for a camera brand
A customized global study that broke up the audience in export markets into subgroups to give the client a clearer picture of who they were trying to reach.

Case 5 : Finding the right distribution strategy for an apparel brand
We applied MINDSET® framework to segment the brand’s audience into identifiable personas and uncover the key touch points to reach them effectively.

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